Welcome From Marybeth

Dear friend,
My name is Marybeth Haines and I am so pleased to meet you this way! If you’re reading this right now, that means you are interested in learning what your beloved animal companion has to say.
Maybe you’re wondering answers to questions such as:
Is he/she happy?
Can you help them in any way?
Is there anything they need?
What can you do to support them best?
Do they know how much you love them?
I had those same questions and it was animal communication that really helped me.
My passion lies in making a difference in this world in honour of animals who share their many gifts to humanity. I love helping you communicate with your animal and giving you tools to understand each other better than you ever have before.
I’ve been working professionally with animals and the humans who love them since 2012 and have been recognized as a highly regarded animal communicator, pet bereavement grief specialist, international author and speaker.
Speaking is one of my delights in sharing messages of hope and inspiration and I thank the animals and those who have brought us together. If it weren’t for animals, you would not be here reading this now!
I don’t just communicate with animals, I also help YOU learn how to communicate with your animals. I teach healing modalities that are a wonderful companion to anyone who works with animals and healing. Human and animal healers, animal lovers, dog walkers, rescue organizations, animal therapists and more are just a short list of the many groups my services are offered to.
Please continue reading below for more information!

Learn More About Marybeth
Marybeth Haines got her start in animal communication as a young toddler, where she received the gift of living on a hobby farm for 22 years. During this time, as Marybeth was sharing life with beautiful, sentient beings called animals, she didn’t realize that she was actually communicating with them. She just thought it was how things were supposed to be, thinking that this was just a normal part of life. It wasn’t until adulthood that she came to realize how the animals prepared her for her purpose, and that was to be a conduit for their messages of love, guidance, healing and inspiration.
Today, Marybeth is an award winning, leading animal communication specialist, international author, certified coach, pet bereavement facilitator, and teacher. Marybeth can help you learn how to find the reason why you and your animal found each other, the various aspects of the lessons and learnings of your relationship and help identify the root of what is really going on in your animal’s lives.
Having been self taught by the animals themselves, Marybeth doesn’t just focus on the surface level messages but on the soul’s level as well. Her speciality is in healing and solving problems with pets through a unique process of guidance from her spiritual team of beings called The Guardian Animals of Lightness.
Throughout the years, Marybeth has upgraded her education and is certified in Pet Loss & Grief Companioning, Animal Communication and trained in the top communication tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy™, Hypnotherapy and has worked with people and animals in a variety of settings. She is the author of 3 published books; The Power of Pets – 7 Effective Tools To Heal From Pet Loss & From Empty To Empowered – A Journey To Healing From Unexpected Pet Loss for adults and I Miss My Furry Friend – My Feel Better Book With Kamilla and Magrau for children.
Marybeth holds the strong belief that we are never done learning and has chosen to study with mentors such as Val Heart and Lynn MacKenzie who have helped her expand her skills in a very deep way in working with animals and the humans who love them. Students find Marybeth’s teachings to be down to earth, inspirational and using a detailed approach utilizing all learning modalities, not just one size fits all. She is known for her teaching style to accommodate the various learning styles each student possesses.
If you want to learn how to talk with animals or have Marybeth come and talk with them for you, and you don’t want to spend an exuberant amount of money to do so, then The GAL Who Speaks With Animals can help! Her courses and teachings are designed to provide the exact blueprint you require to master the energetic connection in communication with animals.
Just imagine what life would be like when you and animals are in unity, communicating with ease and building an even deeper relationship together. How would those profound blessings change your life in an amazing way?
When you learn how to speak the language of animals, you share in their wisdom and guidance with joy.
Let Marybeth show you just how it’s done!
What Others Have Shared After Having Working With Marybeth Haines
“Marybeth is so caring, compassionate and genuine. She is very encouraging. I would recommend her to anyone who is interested in communicating wth animals.” — B. Ashey
“I am experiencing a growth spurt on my spiritual journey. This workshop has helped galvanize the process.” – M. McArdle “
Marybeth has opened up a new world for my pets and myself. A deeper bond forms every day. I learn from them how to love myself unconditionally. Thanks lady!” – C. Froese “
Marybeth’s calm demeanour, lovely disposition and positive approach was just wonderful. What an amazing workshop. I felt such warmth and a relaxing, loving space in this workshop. I found the booklet was very organized, clear and will be easy to reflect on later. The CD is just wonderful, peaceful and amazing! Thanks for a great day!” – C. Rosiana
“Your energy is contagious and your commitment to animals is admirable and heart warming. I am still basking in your love of animals that was so beautifully shared in your animal communication seminar! Thank you.” – D. Bornell